b'Figure 6: Do you think these features will increase or decrease the number of shared ownership homes you are able to deliver over the period?Source: RSM Survey September to October 2020 In contrast to the views on demand, this suggests that housing associations believe that the proposed changes will reduce the supply of shared ownership properties that they are able to build. How the shared ownership model can be best improved The survey asked whether respondents thought the proposed changes to the shared ownership model were the right areas to be focussing on. Two said yes, 13 said no and two said they did not know. Respondents were asked why/why not and whether they had any other comments on the new shared ownership model. If they thought the proposed changes were not the right areas to focus on, they were asked for their top three suggestions on how the product could be improved for the customer.Views around the 10% shares Overall, respondents were negative about the prospect of selling shares as low as 10%. Several highlighted that 10% shares would make the sector more attractive to lower income householdsthough respondents were unsure whether this was a good thing. Some felt that people who could only afford 10% of a house, could not really afford to be homeowners and should not be encouraged. Some raised the issue of whether mortgage lenders would lend on such a small share, and expressed concerns that some prospective buyers may turn to personal loans15'