b'Figure 4: Staircasing rates by region 2018-19 3%Regional3% staircasing2%2%1%1%0%London North West North Yorkshire East of East South SouthWest Midlands East and The England Midlands West EastHumber Source: RSM analysis based on SDR and CORE Partial staircasing (to less than 100%) are not recorded in CORE.The housing associations answering the survey were asked about both full and partial staircasing: Table 8: How many of your customers staircased in FY2019-20? Total numberTotal number ofProportion of shared recorded in surveyshared ownershipowners staircasing in properties owned bythe last year housing associations answering this question How many were to1,6214.1% 100% ownership?39,788 How many were partial3590.9% staircasing?Total Source: RSM Survey September to October 2020. Number of respondents to this question = 21 This data suggests that partial staircasings form around one in five of all staircasings. The overall rate of staircasing was somewhat higher for survey respondents than for the housing association sector as a whole (as shown in Figure 4).11'